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Let’s talk bathroom storage

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Let’s talk bathroom storage

Do you ever get annoyed because your bathroom looks a shambles?  Do you find that no matter how often you tidy it, it’s messed up by everyone leaving their products lying around or undoing your tidy towel pile every time they take a clean towel?  Us too.

It’s funny though because, although a messy bathroom is a bugbear for lots of our clients, they don’t always think of bathroom storage when they’re planning their new bathroom.

They always think about the main elements – the shower, the bath, the sink, and the loo, as well as the taps, tiles and accessories.  But they often forget to think about how much more they would love their new bathroom if everyone had space for their products, that their towels could be magically hidden away, and the necessary cleaning products and loo roll stock could be shut away out of sight.

That’s what’s motivated us to write this article where we share just a few cool bathroom storage ideas we’ve included in our client’s bathrooms recently.  That way you can consider putting them on your ‘Wish List’ when you’re planning your new bathroom.

Under-sink vanity units

Stunning sinks look great and can be a game-changer when it comes to how fabulous your new bathroom looks.  But why not go a step further?  By adding an under-sink vanity unit to your bathroom design, you immediately get a load more storage.  You get a place where you can hide away the items you don’t want on show but still need handy.   Check this one out.  We love its natural good looks and the fact that it makes smart use of the space available.


A niche is basically a space in the wall and it’s an incredibly useful way to create extra storage space in your bathroom.  We can fit a niche on almost any wall, giving you a great way of storing your shampoo, conditioner, and any other toiletries.  Or do like a lot of our customers do and use a niche as the ideal place for a little plant or a calming candle.  Check this 3-niche bathroom that uses clever lighting to make a real feature of each one.

Floating cupboards

Lack of space in the bathroom is one of the things that our Sales Manager Stuart hears most often.  Most people are frustrated because they think their bathroom is too small.  However, that doesn’t mean you need to miss out on storage opportunities.  Floating cupboards like these give you a huge amount of additional storage without taking up floor space.  AND – TOP TIP – add under cupboard lighting and watch how your bathroom seems to miraculously grow!

Floating/open shelves

Floating and open shelves are another way to create great storage without stealing too much space in your bathroom.  No matter whether it’s a huge under-sink, floating, open shelf like this one or a smaller floating shelf on the wall, you’ll be amazed at how it becomes a stunning feature with little or no effort.

Corner columns

Corners often get forgotten about in bathrooms – but not at Precise.  Our goal is to help you make the most of all the space you have, and a corner is a great place to introduce a huge amount of extra storage.  Rather than lose the often-forgotten space in your corners, think about adding a corner column like this one.  You’ll be stunned at what you can get in there.

When it comes to bathrooms, at Precise, we’ve got you covered.  Whether it’s making the most of a small space or creating an over-the-top, glitzy, glamorous bathroom in a huge space – we’ve been there and done that.  We love a challenge, and we love working with you to get you exactly what you want in the room in your home where you start and end every single day.

If you’d like to chat about your new bathroom, get in touch.  We’d love to hear from you

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